
Chris McGowan
Author: Chris McGowan
Date Published: 5 July 2023

The Internet of Behaviors (IoB) is an increasingly popular concept in the technology industry that is aimed at providing enterprises with valuable insights into consumer behavior. The concept describes how user data are collected from various Internet-connected devices (e.g., smartphones, wearables). There are more than 13 billion connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices around the globe and it is expected that there will be 25.4 billion IoT devices by 2030.1 显然,并不缺乏数据. However, 物联网设备产生的大量数据, until relatively recently, 不被操纵去理解人类的行为, which paved the way for IoB.2 Data are now analyzed to identify patterns and trends that can help organizations improve their products and services, 个性化营销策略,提升整体客户体验. 然而,与任何新技术一样,IoB既有好处也有风险.

Impact on Customer Experience

One of the most significant advantages of IoB is the ability to create personalized marketing strategies. 通过收集消费者行为的数据, 365买球网站下载获得了对客户偏好的宝贵见解, buying habits and interests. This information can be used to tailor marketing messages and product offerings to specific groups of consumers, 从而提高用户粘性并增加销售额. For example, IoB可以分析一个人的社交媒体账户数据, browsing history and purchasing habits to create targeted ads that are more likely to resonate with them. This helps enterprises improve their marketing return on investment (ROI) by reducing advertising resources spent on audiences that are less likely to convert to customers.3

The use of IoB can help organizations improve the customer experience by providing insights into how customers interact with products and services. 通过分析客户行为数据, 365买球网站下载可以识别痛点和需要改进的领域, 并对他们的产品做出改变,以更好地满足客户的需求.

The Healthcare Advantage

除了对瞄准零售客户有用之外, IoB对接受医疗保健服务的患者具有重要影响. 医疗保健系统利用IoB远程监控患者, 尤其是那些患有慢性疾病的人. 通过收集可穿戴设备和其他联网设备的数据, healthcare providers can track patient behavior and identify patterns that could indicate a change in the patient's condition. 这允许早期干预,并可能防止进一步的并发症. 通过收集病人行为的数据, healthcare providers can identify patients who are not taking their medications as prescribed and provide targeted interventions to improve adherence. Healthcare providers can also use IoB to track changes in behavior and identify patterns that could indicate a worsening of symptoms.4

Security Benefits

IoB also has the potential to enhance security by providing valuable insights into user behavior and helping identify potential security threats. For example, it can be used to detect fraudulent behavior by monitoring user behavior and identifying anomalies or deviations from normal patterns. This could be useful for fraud detection within financial transactions or other applications where fraud is a concern. By collecting data on user behavior and using machine learning (ML) algorithms to identify patterns and anomalies,5 IoB can help enterprises identify potential security threats before they become problematic.

By collecting data on user behavior and using machine learning (ML) algorithms to identify patterns and anomalies, IoB can help enterprises identify potential security threats before they become problematic.

Potential Barriers to Consider

There are several notable hurdles organizations must overcome to establish and maintain IoB systems and, ultimately, reap the benefits of IoB. The most challenging obstacle to success is collecting sensitive information from consumers and employees.6 隐私是IoB的一个重要关注点. Collecting vast amounts of data on user behavior raises questions about who has access to the information and how it is being used. 个人资料有被滥用或利用的风险, 导致侵犯隐私和其他负面后果. For example, in the medical field, it is important to address privacy concerns and ensure that patient data are protected. 有这么多的个人数据被收集和存储, 它们存在被黑客攻击或被盗的风险, 对个人和365买球网站下载造成严重后果. 如果网络犯罪分子获取了个人敏感信息, 这可能会导致身份盗用,并可能被用来申请信贷, 报税或接受医疗服务. These acts can damage credit status and cost victims of identity theft time and money to restore their reputations.

365买球网站下载也可能受到数据丢失的影响. 数据泄露会严重损害365买球网站下载的品牌声誉, 导致客户和收入的流失. It can also result in legal action against the organization for failing to protect sensitive data.

With so much data being collected, another concern is the potential for bias in the data collected. 如果某些365买球网站下载在数据中被过度代表, 这可能会导致从数据中获得的见解存在偏见. This could result in unfair practices and decisions that negatively impact certain groups of people.

A lack of transparency around how the data collected through IoB are used poses a serious problem. 消费者可能不知道他们的数据是如何被收集的, stored and used, 这就提出了关于这个概念的伦理含义的问题. 透明度是获得和维持数字信任的关键.7

为了缓解这些挑战,确保IoB计划的安全, it is important to develop a clear strategy that includes specific goals and objectives. Which data will be collected, how they will be used, 应该确定它们将如何得到保护. Professionals who process data should stay up-to-date with regulatory requirements related to data privacy and ensure that IoB programs align with these requirements. 透明度也是与利益相关者建立信任的关键. Establishing a robust data governance framework is critical to ensure that data are collected, 以负责任和合乎道德的方式储存和使用. Organizations can reduce the difficulties of an IoB program and guarantee that it provides benefits while safeguarding the privacy and security of data by adhering to these best practices.


IoB is an ever-growing methodology that has the potential to revolutionize the way enterprises operate. By collecting data on user behavior, 组织可以获得关于消费者偏好和习惯的有价值的见解, 导致更个性化的营销策略, 改善客户体验,提高运营效率. However, as with any new concept, there are concerns about privacy and data protection. Ensuring that users' personal information is kept secure and that their privacy is respected is crucial for the successful implementation and adoption of IoB-related technology. Without adequate privacy protections, 用户可能不愿分享他们的个人数据, 哪些因素会限制IoB使用的潜在好处. It is essential to find an acceptable balance between the benefits of IoB and the need for privacy protection.


1 Howarth, J.; “80+惊人的物联网统计数据(2023-2030),” Exploding Topics, 16 March 2023
2 Thomas, L.; “行为的互联网——一个范式的转变,” TC Global, 21 June 2022
3 Laptick, S.; “什么是互联网行为以及它如何帮助保持你的客户满意,” XB Software, 7 March 2023
4 Javaid, M.; A. Haleem; R. P. Singh; S. Khan; R. Suman; “对行为互联网(IoB)支持的医疗保健系统的广泛研究:特征, Facilitators, and Challenges,《365买球网站下载》,卷. 2, iss. 4, 2022
5 Ramos, E.; “行为互联网是下一个值得关注的趋势,” Forbes, 13 March 2023
6 Muzzamil, K.; “互联网行为的利弊,” Aalpha, 6 June 2022
7 Shaffer, D.; “数据透明度完整指南,” HubSpot, 20 January 2023

Chris McGowan

Is the principal of information security professional practices on the ISACA® Content Development and Services team. In this role, he leads information security thought leadership initiatives relevant to ISACA’s constituents. McGowan is a highly accomplished US Navy veteran with nearly 23 years of experience spanning multidisciplinary security and cyberoperations.